
  • Small container, like a metal mint tin or clean medicine tube
  • Half-size index cards
  • Assortment adhesive bandages
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Antibiotic cream packets
  • Small gauze pads
  • Construction paper or contact paper
  • Glue
  • Permanent Marker


  1. Take the small container and cover the outside with construction or contact paper.
  2. Label the paper with “First Aid” symbols.
  3. Fill the kit with bandages, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic cream packets and gauze pads. Ask parents to contribute the items or contact a local health organization to ask for donations.
  4. On the index cards, write students’ name and their emergency contact numbers. Include any known allergies and other medical alert information. Add it to the kit.
  5. Encourage students to keep their kits in a place that’s easily accessible, like their backpack, desk or school locker, and to carry it when they go on field trips, to the park or to a friend’s house. Mini first aid kits are easy to assemble and a fun project for students. They’re also easily accessible and empower students to take action when small emergencies arise.

This activity was adapted from Summer Program Tips, Strategies and Activities for School Agers 5-14 Years-Old